Terms of Sale

Artist has the right to post art on social medias. You will be credited for the characters unless you wish to remain anonymous.Art is not to be used commercially unless previously agreed upon.Art is not to be resold; signature is not to be removed.Style can be seen in my examples, while some stylistic changes can be made, please keep in mind I'm never going to be able to do some styles, such as photorealism.

Art Process
Half payment to be paid upfront, balance to be paid off after sketch lines/final lines/ before coloring sketches.
Art process will be shown. Changes /alterations can be made up until final lines.Payment accepted through paypal.** Mind you, I do work slow. You will receive updates throughout the process, however I feel it is only fair to everyone to state I create art on the slower side. **

I work on one commission at a time, first come first serve. If you wish to be added to the list, you will be added. Payment not taken until your slot becomes available. If you no longer are interested, you will be crossed off the list. I do not take payment to hold slots.
If you need to cancel the commission, partial refunds considered. Example: If paying for full color and final lines are completed, will charge line art prices.

Will Draw:
Majority of Kinks (unsure? Just ask)
Will Not Draw:
minors in adult situations
hateful content
I have the right to deny taking a commission